Clearfield Station is a place of connections and linkages, where people arrive and depart on their way to destinations near and far. Located in the economic heart of Davis County, the area has excellent access to employment centers, including Freeport Center and Hill Air Force Base. The area is also anticipated to undergo major transformation as it continues to redevelop into a thriving activity center.
A clear vision for the area has already been established through recent planning efforts, most notably the Clearfield Connected Station Area Plan (2019) and the Clearfield Station Master Development Plan (2020). Recent changes to the Utah State Code require amending the station area plan to address a wider service area and to include options for affordable housing and other similar elements. This planning effort will revise the existing Station Area Plan to meet the new state code, while verifying the established vision for Clearfield Station.
A clear vision for the area has already been established through recent planning efforts, most notably the Clearfield Connected Station Area Plan (2019) and the Clearfield Station Master Development Plan (2020). Recent changes to the Utah State Code require amending the station area plan to address a wider service area and to include options for affordable housing and other similar elements. This planning effort will revise the existing Station Area Plan to meet the new state code, while verifying the established vision for Clearfield Station.
Final cLEARFIELD Connected sTATION aREA PLAN 2024
The Clearfield Connected Station Area Plan was adopted by the City Council on May 28, 2024. Click below to view the document:
Clearfield Connected 2024: Station Area Plan & Design Guidelines
Clearfield Connected 2024: Station Area Plan & Design Guidelines
Previous Station Area Plans
This process is to update the City's Clearfield Connected Station Area Plan (2019) to address Utah State code and to reflect details contained in the Clearfield Station Master Development Plan (2020). The images below illustrate what is currently planned for the station area.
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PUBLIC ENGAGEMENTThe planning process offers multiple opportunities for public involvement. Visit the Public Engagement page to learn more about these opportunities, including information on public meetings and online engagement options.
Steering COMMITTEEA Steering Committee made up of City Staff, representatives from the Planning Commission and City Council, residents and key stakeholders will oversee progress on the plan and help make decisions in a manner that is informed and equitable.
CONTACTComments can be submitted through this website, via email or phone, or in person at any of the public meetings.